Guild Meeting 7/24/2018

Week of 24 July 2018

Twitch, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Patreon

The RUIN community meets every Tuesday at 6PM Pacific Standard time on Discord to recognize outstanding members for promotion, discuss gaming news, events and scheduling for the upcoming week!


The discovery of Azerite—a new and powerful resource—has the potential to change the very face of warfare on Azeroth. As warchief of the Horde, Sylvanas Windrunner is willing to do whatever she deems necessary to secure it and keep it out of the hands of her enemies—even if it means venturing into Darnassus to root the Alliance out of Kalimdor once and for all. – Blizzard

Battle For Azeroth August 13-14 Launch

Conflict is emerging once more between the Horde and Alliance and all signs point toward Darnassus and ultimately the control of Teldrassil.


War Mode tears down boundaries and server rule-set distinctions, allowing players on any realm to decide when they want to jump into a world PvP experience full of like-minded players in the ongoing battle between Horde and Alliance.


Join in the PvP action and earn some new gear just in time for the launch of Battle for Azeroth.


Bring your friends and family of the same faction together cross-realm through our new World of Warcraft Communities feature.

Blizzard Explains the Entire History of World of Warcraft

Blizzard’s Ion Hazzikostas, Patrick Magruder and Jimmy Lo tell the entire history of World of Warcraft. From the game’s launch date, until it’s newest expansion (Battle for Azeroth), Blizzard chronicles every aspect of the legendary MMO’s journey. – Wired

Battle for Azeroth release date has been announced! With it, it is time to prepare yourself for the contents that will be arriving in the patch 8.0, which is commonly known as “Pre-patch” as it introduces most systems of the new expansion, but relative few pieces of content.

Battle for Azeroth Preview: War Mode, PvP Talents, and More

Many PvP additions and updates are coming with Battle for Azeroth, including changes to PvP Talents, the introduction of War Mode, Bounties, and a new Dueler’s Guild. In this preview, we’ll give you a bit more information on what’s in store for each. – Blizzard

With Battle for Azeroth, we’re making changes to how we’re handling talents in PvP. In Legion’s current Honor Talent system, talents become available as you earn Honor levels through participating in PvP, which puts players looking to get into PvP for the first time at a disadvantage until they earn the tools everyone else already has. In Battle for Azeroth, we’re streamlining the system so that PvP talents will become available as you level, keeping players on more even footing.

In Legion, PvP talents were organized in rows of three, much like regular class talents; in Battle for Azeroth, players will be able to select any three PvP talents from a large pool of options, along with a special crowd-control-breaking talent (variations on the old “PvP trinket”).

You’ll earn this crowd-control breaker at level 20, choosing from one of three available options via a fly-out menu. By level 110, all PvP talent options will be available to choose within the Talent pane (N). This system offers more options for customizing your character to suit your play style or your environment, whether that’s world PvP, Battlegrounds, Arenas, or the new Dueler’s Guild (more on that below). As with your class talents, you’ll need to be in a rested area to switch between these.


We’re introducing a new way of getting into PvP out in the world with a system we’re calling War Mode. War Mode tears down boundaries and server rule-set distinctions, allowing players on any realm to decide when they want to jump into a world PvP experience full of like-minded players in the ongoing battle between Horde and Alliance.

This new system gives us the opportunity to revisit World of Warcraft PvP as an open-world experience, building on the latest game technology available. Players can decide on the type of gameplay experience they want to have no matter their realm of choice. Whether that means opting out of world PvP entirely, gathering allies and venturing out into dangerous lands when the mood strikes you, or turning on War Mode and never looking back—the choice will be yours.

With War Mode, we wanted to solve the problem of some players feeling “locked” into one play style or another by their realm choice. They might have picked a PvE realm purely because their friends were there, even though they were interested in open world PvP. Conversely, they could have chosen a PvP realm to start, but later decided it wasn’t for them anymore. War Mode provides a way for both styles of gameplay to co-exist for every player—and with the way realm sharding works now, we felt this was the right opportunity to let players choose.

By toggling War Mode on, players will venture out into a world full of others who have made the same choice. This structure also provides a foundation upon which we can offer all-new systems to encourage and reward world PvP, open to all interested players regardless of their choice of realm.

Players who choose to turn on War Mode will get a few additional bonuses while in the mode. First, while War Mode is on, all PvP talents you’ve chosen will be available to use anywhere PvP can occur, providing a more consistent and efficient experience as you level. Rather than having your PvP talents toggle on and off depending on your location in the world or whether you’re engaged with a creature or another player, you’ll have access to them everywhere PvP can happen. Sanctuary areas will still be PvP free.

Players in War Mode will also get an additional bonus to experience gains while leveling up. We understand that when players choose to engage in PvP, the added danger from other players can result in a slight loss in leveling efficiency. We wanted to provide a way to balance this out without creating a situation in which players who choose not to engage in War Mode feel they’re losing out on an opportunity. For the same reason, at max level, War Mode also offers an additional bonus to gold, Resources, and Artifact Power earned from World Quests.

War Mode can be toggled on or off beginning at level 20 by visiting either Orgrimmar or Stormwind and setting their preference in the Talent pane (N). Beware! Once you venture out in War Mode, all zones will become contested, including zones such as Northshire Abbey. Additional War Mode features such as Bounty Hunter and Air Drops (more on those below!) will only be available in the new zones in Battle for Azeroth.

There are a few additional caveats when looking at grouping while in War Mode. If you’re taking part in dungeons or raids while you have it turned on, you will still be able to be summoned by players who do not have it on. Once summoned, you won’t be able to see each other until you have zoned into the instance. When using the Premade Group Finder to search for groups for outdoor activities such as questing or world bosses, you will only see groups containing players who also have War Mode on, unless you return to Orgrimmar or Stormwind to change your status.

War Mode has a couple of additional features to make things even more interesting:


Infamy has its ups—and its downs. You can become infamous in War Mode by killing a certain number of players of the opposite faction without dying. Once you do, you’ll achieve the status of Assassin and gain an increase to your damage and healing by 15%. Congratulations!

Of course, there’s a downside to your newfound infamy. The more players an Assassin kills, the more likely they will show up on the zone map for other players to target and kill to gain a bounty. Players who successfully kill an Assassin of the opposite faction will receive Conquest points as well as other rewards. There can be three (or potentially more) Assassins on any Battle for Azeroth zone map at a time, providing plenty of opportunity for players—or groups of players—to take their revenge on the opposite faction’s Assassins.


From time to time, a flying machine will make its way across the sky. The rumble of its engine is a clear indicator that something is afoot. You’ll want to keep an eagle eye on the sky and watch for a War Supply Crate to drop somewhere in the zone. Similar to the chest in Gurubashi Arena, players can fight over the crate and claim it for their faction. Once a faction has gained control of the crate, anyone of that faction who is within the area will have a short period to open it and collect a piece of personal loot.


Take your duels into the new outdoor arenas in either Boralus or Zuldazar. Similar to the Brawler’s Guild, players can speak with an NPC who will queue them to take part in 1-on-1 duels in the arena. Once in the arena, you’ll battle it out against a rival player to see who continues on. If you lose, you’re out. How far can you go before you’re no longer the top of the heap? Getting far enough through the gauntlet of players will provide some achievements, including Master of Duels, which rewards the title Contender.

You’ll also find the PvP reward chest in the Dueler’s Guild if you’ve filled up your Conquest bar for the week. Read more about it in our Rated PvP Updates post.


Legion’s Honor system was originally crafted around the idea of earning PvP talents through participation, and then resetting progress to gain Prestige—and cosmetic awards—in the process. Now that PvP talents are instead earned in the regular course of leveling, we’re refocusing the Honor system around open-ended progression that offers various cosmetic rewards for engaging in PvP.

By participating in any type of PvP, you will gain Honor and eventually Honor Levels. As your Honor Level increases, you will earn rewards like titles, pets, mounts, and more. As your Honor Level rises, you will also progress through a series of icons associated with your character frame and displayed prominently on Battleground scoreboards, showing off your accomplishments for all to see. In Battle for Azeroth, Honor and the rewards earned through your participation are all account-wide. All Honor earned by individual characters in Legion will be aggregated into a single account-wide total Honor Level in Battle for Azeroth.

For those who have already earned any of these rewards in Legion, you will retain them regardless of whether you meet any new Honor requirements.

Whether you’re a grizzled PvP veteran or interested in trying your hand at world PvP for the first time, the Horde and the Alliance will have plenty of opportunity to prove their prowess in Battle for Azeroth.

Artifact Power to MAXIMUM


Silithus has become a hive of activity following the wounding of Azeroth by Sargeras’ sword. The Azerite seeping up to the surface has captured the attention of both the Horde and the Alliance, and a deadly race has begun to collect as much of this new resource as possible. While these two factions focus on a future of war, Magni Bronzebeard has turned his attention to finding a solution to Azeroth’s plight.

Magni is putting out a call to heroes from every corner of the world to gather once more in Silithus. There, you’ll need to use the power of your Artifact weapon to draw out the darkness from Sargeras’ sword and help stabilize Azeroth’s grievous wounds. There’s a price to be paid, however, and you’ll find that once you’ve lent your aid, your Artifact weapon will become a little unstable. But with this instability comes a temporary boost in power . . . which will, perhaps a bit ominously, continue ramp up over time.

Once the Battle for Azeroth pre-expansion patch (aka pre-patch) arrives closer to launch, Artifact weapon traits will no longer function —but there’s a new power waiting to be gained, if Magni has anything to say about it. – Blizzard

E3 2018

E3 2018 the biggest video game event of the year! E3 is open to industry professionals and gamers. Hosted in Los Angeles!

Continuing coverage of E3 2018 will be provided. Critical news and updates on upcoming games and their impact on the Ruin community.

Developer Conferences

Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset Launch!

For the first time in history, the long-closed borders of Summerset are open to foreigners by decree of Queen Ayrenn. But darkness looms over the ancestral home of the High Elves, and whispers stir of Daedric followers organizing in the shadows. Rally your allies, brave champions. Summerset awaits.

Conan Exiles


Enrich your Conan Exiles experience with all new content from the eastern lands of Khitai!

Build great palaces or mighty castles with a whole new set of Khitan building pieces that make your constructions look vastly different to anything seen in Conan Exiles. Get ready for battle in three new armors and one new weapon set. Decorate your home with many new placeables, such as cauldrons, carpets, tables and braziers and customize your look with new warpaints.

CONAN EXILES has launched on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 on May 8th! Check out this glimpse at some of the content and features you will get to discover in this ultimate vision of CONAN EXILES, the open-world survival game set in the lands of Conan the Barbarian!

Conan Exiles is an open-world survival game set in the brutal lands of Conan the Barbarian. Survive in a savage world, build your kingdom, and dominate your enemies in brutal combat and epic warfare.

Start with nothing but your bare hands and forge the legacy of your clan, building anything a small home to gigantic fortresses and entire cities. Wage war using swords, bows, siege weapons, and even take control of giant avatars of the gods and lay waste to enemy cities.

Explore a vast, seamless world full of challenge and opportunity. Hunt animals for resources, slay monsters for treasure, and delve deep underground to discover the secrets of ancient civilizations.


RUIN, a long standing gaming community with over a decade of experience playing together! Please take full advantage of the many guild perks and benefits provided to all members!

RUIN traditionally hosts a variety of guild events in and out of game. Including Blizzcon, movie premiers, summer vacation retreats and other gaming and entertainment industry related conventions and events! Additional information on scheduled events can be found on the RUIN community forums.

Ruin Gaming is a multi-gaming community with members from all over the world. Currently, we are playing Elder Scrolls OnlineWorld of Warcraft and Star Wars: The Old Republic. We also have a large presence in other games such as Star CitizenGuild Wars 2OverwatchDiablo III and more.

Ruin Patreon

Our mission is to provide a fun environment to play games within a like-minded community. Furthermore, we aim to provide exciting content on current and upcoming games via YouTubeTwitchSocial Media and more. Subsequently, we encourage Game Developers to provide our community with massive multiplayer content that we have always envisioned, bringing virtual communities into a fully realized and complete state.

Ruin Weekly Patreon Update

As the RUIN gaming community continues to expand, hosting over 10,000 active members with 5,000 registered on Discord, a need to facilitate and organize common procedure, training protocol and general information for use in multiple gaming platforms has arisen.

Executive Summary

Achieving the core mission of providing the best gaming and online community experience possible requires strong communication infrastructure and feedback mechanism to ensure a continual process of improvement.

Additional Officers and technical specialists are required
Gaming News and Updates for current and upcoming games
Expanding the Warrant Officer Department with additional Technical Officers and information officers to assist in scheduling, communicating and supporting team activities across all RUIN branches is a critical initiative for 2018.

Extensive use of modern social media and integrated peer reviewed and edited rules, expectations and guidelines for all members is a critical goal for RUIN in 2018.

Community Events


Gaming and Community Updates. A well informed guild is a critical community objective.

Recent Posts:


Battle for Azeroth Arrives August 14th!

On August 14, the Battle for Azeroth will begin! Prepare for war as the Alliance and the Horde go head to head in the latest World of Warcraft expansion.

Explore the kingdoms of Zandalar and Kul Tiras, gather Azerite on uncharted islands, and strike at the opposing faction in Warfronts.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset

Announcing The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset, the next Chapter in The Elder Scrolls Online saga. Explore the ancestral home of the High Elves, an all-new zone packed with adventure. Join the mysterious Psijic Order and gain powerful new abilities. Reunite with old friends, forge new alliances, and work together to unravel a conspiracy that threatens Tamriel’s very existence.

Ancient monsters rise to plague Tamriel anew in Dragon Bones, The Elder Scrolls Online’s newest DLC game pack. Check out everything you need to know about this new adventure and Update 17 in our launch article!

We are thrilled to announce that the Dragon Bones DLC game pack and Update 17 are both live on PC/Mac. This new adventure and base-game update includes:

  • Two new dungeons: Scalecaller Peak and Fang Lair
  • The Outfit System
  • Home Storage
  • A new Level-Up Experience
  • Combat improvements
  • Two new Battlegrounds: Deeping Drome and Mor Khazgur

This new DLC is available free-of-charge for all ESO Plus™ members or for purchase with crowns from the in-game Crown Store. The Update 17 base-game patch arrives free for all ESO players. Want to celebrate the release of Dragon Bones with us? Download the official wallpaper.

World of Warcraft: Legion

Battle for Azeroth

On August 14, the Battle for Azeroth will begin! Prepare for war as the Alliance and the Horde go head to head in the latest World of Warcraft expansion. Explore the kingdoms of Zandalar and Kul Tiras, gather Azerite on uncharted islands, and strike at the opposing faction in Warfronts.

Azeroth has paid a heavy price to end the Legion’s crusade. Countless noble heroes have fallen, and the world itself has been wounded by the sword of Sargeras—but another rift remains that may prove much harder to mend. The shattered trust between the Alliance and the Horde has brought tensions to the brink of war, and no one knows what the future holds for Azeroth. It falls to you, hero, to recruit allies, champion your faction’s cause, and take up arms in this defining moment of an age-old conflict.


Building Better Worlds

‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’


Additional multimedia original creative content for the community. A focus on video editing, unique livestreams and podcasts for 2018 to better communicate gaming news information and community events and objectives!


In-game screenshots from ALL games. These may include landscapes, cities, NPC’s, raids, dungeons, delves, strikes, cinematics – anything!

Direct your image and any relevant details to @Mauve#2477 on Discord!

Disneyland 2018

Ruin 2018 Disneyland and California Adventure

As part of our Community Events circuit Ruin hosted a Disneyland and California Adventure Holiday 2018 tour. A special focus on gathering information on and preparing for the opening of Galaxy’s Edge: the largest ever expansion to Disneyland.

RUIN continues to grow!

2018 offers a staggering spectrum of games to experience, new expansions, new titles and a constant stream of updates are scheduled for launch. Ruin is actively testing emergent games across the spectrum of different platforms. Our objective has been to narrow the field of candidate and select from among the best contenders for major community deployment.

Ruin is recruiting exceptional people. Additional officers and creative specialists are required in order to continue the growth of our expanding organization. Contact us on Discord for further information!

2018 Roadmap

The Ruin team has been very busy reviewing games across the MMO Genre and have collaborated on building a vision to share in this Roadmap. We constantly gather suggestions and feedback directly from our communities and players in order to effect change and positive reforms within Ruin.

Ruin continues to provide an exceptional gaming community experience for all community members. We are currently working on researching massive multiplayer content across the expanding genre while setting community mission objectives, organizing and executing events and in game content at the highest levels possible.

Ruin will continue to communicate with the player base through guild meetings and updates throughout the year. Our goal is to create a process of continuous improvement of all aspects of the Ruin community.


Guild Meeting Schedule

  • General meeting: Tuesday 6PM Pacific Standard Time on Discord.
  • Officers meeting: Tuesday 5PM Pacific Standard Time on Discord junior officer’s meeting room.

Upcoming Games Resources:

The following games are currently our core focus for 2018:

Expansions and New Games

Information and updates from all major games, movies and technologies relevant to the greater Ruin Nation community.

At their core massive multiplayer online games provide for the communal experience of the Great Myth a fundamental human pursuit throughout nearly ever culture and time in history. All of the intellectual properties; Star Wars, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls etc. are modern adaptations and additions to the great human myth telling tradition. Expansive universes in which the heroic journey of many trials can be more directly experienced.

Ruin as a guild is strongest when actively engaged in challenging guild versus guild online environments with a strong support structure encouraging our members to adapt and improve in order to most fully contribute to success in our campaigns. We encourage members to immerse themselves in the rich lore and ever expanding stories that are the foundation of every game we play, invest time and pride into your characters and fully enjoy the online gaming experience to the fullest in game and within the community!

Have fun and win!

Officer Promotion

RUIN needs additional Officers, outstanding members with gaming experience, military backgrounds and professional administrative abilities should step forward for courtesy promotions to assist with day to day guild upkeep and leadership service.

Within RUIN leadership through content as well as training and technical support and development are accomplished through departments focused on these specific objectives. Those interested in advancement should contact an officer in game or on voice communications.

Branch Schedules and Objectives:

Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind, the next chapter in the award-winning The Elder Scrolls Online series! Return to the iconic island of Vvardenfell a brand new ESO location, with a new player class, a new PvP mode (Battlegrounds), a new Trial and large scale PvP in Cyrodiil.

The Elder Scrolls Online offers arguably the best large scale PVP environment in the Imperial Cyrodiil province. RUIN offers nightly Cyrodiil clears, offering an unparalleled level of rewards and character progression in an highly discipline siege warfare environment. RUIN continues to support the Aldmeri Dominion campaign and our faction allies.

Cyrodiil Campaign

PVP Objectives: To fight and win by providing prompt, sustained land dominance across the full range of Cyrodiil operations and spectrum of conflict in support of combatant commanders.

New Battlegrounds

Three unique Battlegrounds are coming with The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind‘s launch on June 6. To help you prepare for the conflicts to come, we are featuring ESO: Morrowind‘s Battlegrounds all month. The third and final map to be covered? The mysterious decayed shrine of Ularra, also known to The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind players as Ularradallaku.

Guild Activities

Latest News

World of Warcraft

Why you should play World of Warcraft Legion:

World of Warcrft Legion continues to deliver best in genre progression raiding and structured PVP. The addition of world quests, invasions and open world events provide an alternative path for character progression.

Antorus the Burning Throne


Guild Activities

Latest News

Star Wars The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic offers one of the best leveling experiences of any MMORPG currently available. Engaging and immersive story driven game play allows for an unparalleled role playing experience, with enormous character customization and development all within the award winning Bioware Knights of the Old Republic universe.

RUIN continues our long tradition in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Construction of the Guild Ship and Stronghold on Yavin IV continue! Please pitch in towards these projects through the Stronghold Tab by donating copies of decorations to the guild.

Knights Of The Eternal Throne: ‘Starting Your Saga’ Video Guide

Whether you’re creating a character for the very first time, or returning to an existing and beloved character, this brief overview will show you how to begin your epic adventure! Tag along as we explore the basics of Character Creation, learn how to jump straight into the Knights of the Eternal Throne saga with a Boosted Level 65 Character, introduce new features arriving with the expansion, and much more! Get ready to start your new saga with style – you’ll be prepared for whatever Empress Vaylin throws at you!

Latest News

Command Authority Launch Trailer

The last and largest of the dangerous droid superweapons of Iokath has been unleashed! With no one remaining to reign in its terrifying power, Izax the Destroyer, is set to annihilate everything in its path – starting with your Alliance

There is only one way to stop Izax: gather your most powerful allies in a team of eight or sixteen fighters to take on this heroic challenge; defeat Izax’s superweapon “family” including Scyva, Mother of Sorrows; and then use every combat technique and battle resource at your command to overcome the final challenge as you face Izax himself!

The battle for control of the galaxy still rages and your guild or group can make its own bid for supremacy in the newly-expanded Conquest system! New objectives, improved rewards, and many other improvements have been made to ensure you and your guild emerge victorious.

Your challenge is strengthened by the enthusiastic return of cherished companions: Imperial Agents prepared to reunite with Vector Hyllus, Sith Inquisitors rejoin Ashara Zavros. Additionally, for those who sought to redeem Arcann, the former tyrannical ruler of the Eternal Empire, you will have the chance to take your relationship to a more romantic level… if you choose. The choice is yours as you take command in this latest game update, ‘Command Authority’. – Bioware

Guild Events

Ruin in SWTOR provides a wide spectrum of player content.

  • Operations
  • Casual PVP
  • Planetary Conquest
  • Uprisings
  • Flashpoints
  • Stronghold Construction

Conan Exiles

City Construction

The primary objective of RUIN in Conan Exiles is to construct a well defended guild city capable of keeping members safe from siege warfare and attack.

Conan Exiles Updates

New Dungeon: The Dreg

The Exiled Lands are filled with dark caves and mysterious ruins, but now you get a brand-new dungeon to challenge your adventuring urges!

Latest News

Guild Events

  • Documenting construction through screenshots, videos, livestream.
  • Social media advertisement and growth of the RUIN Conan server

Latest News

Final Fantasy XIV

RUIN has returned to Final Fantasy XIV!

Additional information: Ruin FFXIV

Latest News


The patch notes for Patch 4.25 have arrived. Read on to prepare for the Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos, as well as Even Further Hildibrand Adventures. We also have details on various additions and refinements, including new items and balance changes.

Patch 4.25 contains content that can only be accessed by registering the expansion packs for FINAL FANTASY XIV to your service account. To distinguish between adjustments that are and are not affected by the registration of these expansions, the following notations will be used throughout the patch notes: FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 4.25

Highlights: Eureka Anemos – Explore a new forbidden land, earn new Relic Armour and Weapons!

Guild Events

  • Operations
  • Casual PVP
  • Planetary Conquest
  • Uprisings
  • Flashpoints

Upcoming Games

Star Citizen

RUIN is currently constructing a large fleet in preparation for the launch of Star Citizen.

Get to know Star Citizen, a game unlike any other. In this informative video, Game Director Chris Roberts walks you through his ambitious and groundbreaking vision. You’ll learn about the many game modes that form its foundation and come to understand the game’s ultimate goals.

Guild Departments:

  • PVP
  • PVE
  • Human Resources: Recruitment, training, events coordination.
  • Technical Officers: Infrastructural development and upkeep.


The PVP Department of RUIN develops PVP doctrine; establishes standards; and builds the future fighting force of RUIN.

Human Resources

Human Resources recruits, trains, and educates members of RUIN; develops leaders and fosters technical skills and mastery of all relevant content and related technologies.

HR Conflict Resolution, Mediation and investigation

HR Conflict Resolution conducts sensitive or special interest investigations as directed by the HR Directorate; provides investigative support to all RUIN branches and elements; maintains overall responsibility for RUIN investigations and enforcement of all relevant codes of conduct, license agreements and general community requirements.

HR conducts and controls all RUIN investigations of serious infractions and crimes. Upon request, or as necessary for effective law enforcement.

RUIN Technical Corps

The Ruin Technical Corps provides engineering services and capabilities in support of RUIN.

The RUIN Warrant Department reports directly to guild leadership.. The mission of the RWD is to develop and maintain information technology for RUIN. Training, education, and inspiration of recruits in order to encourage each member to become a leader of character committed to the values of professional excellence and service to the greater RUIN community.